
Chanakya's Priceless Words Can Change Your Destiny!

  Tuhin Sarwar: Bangladesh - Who was Chanakya, what did he do, and why is he such a renowned figure? Most of us are familiar with him. We often hear politicians say things like "India operates according to Chanakya's principles" or "India's foreign policy follows Chanakya's guidelines." We've read many articles about him in newspapers and magazines. Therefore, I won't delve too deeply into his background. I will only provide a brief overview.   Chanakya was a distinguished economics, politics, social policy, and diplomacy teacher in our subcontinent. At the same time, he served as the Prime Minister of the Mauryan Empire. Around twenty-three centuries ago, he carried out his teachings and activities on this land. Even as Prime Minister, he lived in a cremation ground; he encouraged local kings to free their lands from foreign control and led the battles himself. Pseudonyms also knew him; he was referred to as Kautilya or Vishnugupta. For

Rolex Watch ‘Jayten’ B Coo Found 50 Years Later

Tuhin Sarwar: 

Thanks to a metal detectorist, a 95-year-old British farmer’s prized Rolex watch, which he believed to have been eaten by a cow, has been reunited with the timepiece half a century later

acmes Steele said he lost the watch in the early 1970s when he suddenly realized” its bracelet had broken

The cow could have eaten it with a mouthful of grass, said the vet, the BBC quoted Steele from Shropshire as saying

Now, a metal detectorist has given back the watch to the owner of Trefah Hall in Morda, Oswestry, after finding it on his land.

Steele described the discovery as a “stroke of luck” and said it was “amazing” after all this time

I was quite pleased because I never thought I would see the watch again,” he said

But I have got it now. I only have half the bracelet the other half must have disintegrated
I have the watch, but it is not going. The face has gone greenish, but it has not rusted up

Steele, praising the metal detectorist who found the watch, said he could have easily not owned up to his discovery
More valuables could still be found, the farmer said,

 encouraging the metal detectorist to keep working his land
As for the watch, Steele said it will now just be a keepsake as it would “cost a bomb” to do anything with it
